You can either roll 1, 2, 3, or all 6 buffs. When you cast RtB, the game first decides how many buffs you will get, then picks the buffs. True Bearing (cd reduction on finishing moves) Grand Melee (50% Attack speed and 25% Leech) Roll the Bones (RtB) gives you between 1-6 buffs, chosen at random from the following list: It doesn't matter how many times you fish for 2 buffs, it won't happen (I'm only partially kidding). If RNG hates you like it does me, you can completely ignore this topic. Some of this might be review for some people, but I'm assuming that you're coming in here either a) very confused, or b) very new (and probably also confused), and aren't sure how it works at all So Roll the Bones is an absolute pain in the ass, but has some very interesting gameplay associated with it which makes it sort of fun. Short little info thread about Roll the Bones why it sucks and I hate it how to use it most effectively.